Greetings, descendants of Claus and Maria Sprick! We'll use this second blog space to post longer Sprick family documents and literature, and will occasionally route you here from the main family blog, Think of this as the blogspot's archives collection and reading room. As always, send contributions (literary and photographic, not financial) to cousin Pam at

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Sprick family centennial celebration

The Lake City Graphic ran this photo and story in 1974. (Click on the items to make them larger.)

Grandma Sprick's written family history

Grandma Maria Augustine Sprick (April 27, 1887-Feb. 24, 1987) couldn't have anticipated scrapblogging, but she knew family history was worth keeping track of. Here's some dates she wrote down so they wouldn't be forgotten in the rush of time. (To make these pages larger and easier to see, click on each.)

About your scrapblog editor

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Robbinsdale, Minnesota, United States
Hello, cousins! Got info or pictures for one of Pam's family history blogs? Send them to